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Dr Gaulthier Ntambwa Tshibindi
GKF Australia/Oceania Coordinator
Dr Gaulthier Ntambwa Tshibindi is an Australian Medical doctor from Kasai in the DRC. He possesses experiences in clinical medicine, epidemiology, and management. He is currently the coordinator of Grand Kasai Foudation (GKF) /Oceania.
Grand Kasai region in DRC has suffered from significant negligence since the independence of the DRC in 1960 . Almost 78% of its population are living below the poverty line. The region remained
underdeveloped with lack of frastructures, electricity, roads , adequate healthcare and education. Its population lacks food and clean water. Its children below the age of 5 years old are suffering from severe malnutrition. This statistics are alarming. These realities are in
contrast with high level of individual wealth and high level of education observed among people from this great region growing and living outside Grand Kasai region. Lack of interest of its
diaspora in collectively participating to
develop Grand Kasai region is the gap that most kasaiens would like to close.
Knowing that no one would care more about grand Kasai than kasaiens themselves, GKF has been created to developed this sentiment by bring kasaiens together to start thinking about strategies to develop their region for future generations.
The coordination of GKF Oceania is inviting everyone who is concerned about this situation to join our efforts to beat the odds and change the situation on the ground . In God we trust.
“ Together Everyone Achieve More (TEAM).”
“Se reunir est un debut , rester ensemble est un progrès, travailler ensemble est la réussite.”
“La logique vous conduira d'un point A á un point B. L'imagination et l'audace vous conduiront où vous le desirer “-Albert Einstein.
“Lorsque deux forces sont jointes , leur efficacité est double.”-Isaac Newton .
“Si vous pensez que vous ètes trop petit pour changer quelque chose, essayez donc de dormir avec un moustique dans votre chambre et vous verrez lequel des deux êmpeche l'autre de dormir.”- Daila Lama.
“Il ya plus de courage que de talent dans la pliant des reussite.”-Felix Leclerc.
“Mieux vaut être optimiste et se tromper que d'être pessimiste et avoir raison.” -Jack Penn.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission. Votre soutien et vos contributions nous permettront d’atteindre nos objectifs et d’améliorer les conditions.Votre généreux don financera notre mission.
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